How do I take care of my Fresh Flower Arrangement or Bouquet?
You can learn more about taking care of your arrangement by visiting our flowercare page.
How do I take care of my Bromeliad Plant?
Exotic blooms in a variety of sunset colors. Easy to care for and natural air-purifier hailing from tropical Americas.
Let soil dry between waterings, testing the soil by dipping a finger into the top 3 in of the soil. Pour water into the “cups” formed by the leaves at the base, changing the water weekly. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
Bromeliads LOVE light, but can also do well in low-lit rooms and offices. Keep plant near brightly-lit window when possible, avoiding direct sunlight.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Christmas Cactus plant?
A beautiful member of the succulent family with notched leaves and trumpet-shaped blooms.
Overwatering will kill your cactus, but that’s not to say it doesn’t get thirsty. Instead of watering it like you would a traditional plant, you should be misting your cactus every day. A few squirts from a spray bottle is all you need to keep your cactus happy. The only time you should be watering the base of the plant is when its soil is completely dry to the touch.
This is where it gets a little tricky. A Christmas cactus can’t be left in direct sunlight because the sun will dry it out, but it also needs plenty of sunlight. So what’s a cactus-enthusiast supposed to do? Your best bet is to leave it in a partially shaded area of your house (or outside, once summer hits) and rotate it every once in awhile.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Dish Garden (Mixed Green Planter)?
A personal, curated mini-garden, featuring an assortment of green and/or blooming plants.
These plants like the soil to be slightly moist, but not soggy. Determine when to water by dipping a finger into the soil. If it feels slightly dry, it’s time to water. Pinch off any wilted blooms to encourage new blooms on your plant.
These plants like bright but indirect light. Place near a brightly lit window, but out of direct sun.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Lush, wide-leaf foliage, this popular plant for the home or office can grow up to 6 ft tall and hails from Western Africa.
Place your finger about 2 in deep into the soil; if your finger comes out dry, it’s time to water. Avoid overwatering by watering about every 1-2 weeks. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
The fiddle leaf LOVES light. Keep the plant as close as possible to a large, brightly lit window, but avoid direct sunlight. Dust leaves to keep them glossy.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of Green Plants?
The care instructions provided below are generally applicable for all house plants, but for more specific directions, Google the name of your specific plant (if you have it).
Keep soil moist; water thoroughly when soil is dry to touch, draining any excess water.
Green plants generally prefer diffused or indirect sunlight, rather than direct sun. Place in a warm location, avoiding excessively hot or cold areas as much as possible.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Mini Christmas Tree?
Our signature "Mini Christmas Trees" feature REAL holiday greens expertly designed into the classic Christmas Tree shape.
The holiday greens are supported by a block of hydrating floral foam. So just like a full-sized Christmas tree, it's important to keep plenty of water in your base tray throughout the holidays to keep your greens hydrated.
How do I take care of my Mini Cypress Trees?
Lush green foliage and a classic conical shape.
Keep planting soil moist with regular watering.
These trees love bright, indirect sunlight while living as indoor plants.
After the holidays, feel free to transplant to a larger pot or plant outdoors in full sun!
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Phalenopsis Orchid Plant?
One of the easiest varieties of orchids to grow as a houseplant. Native to India, China, and Southeast Asia.
Water your orchid once every 14 days, using approximately one shot glass of water per orchid plant.
Tip: Most people tend to overwater their orchids!
Bright, indirect sunlight is best for growth, but avoid direct sunlight.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Poinsettia plant?
Nothing says Christmas quite like the poinsettia. Bold and beautiful, the poinsettia plant (Euphorbia pulcherrima) has bright petals that contain small flowers of green and yellow at the center. Poinsettias come in a range of colors from white to orange, but are most popular in their red variety.
The poinsettia plant is native to Central America where it was used by the Aztecs for decorative and medicinal purposes. Today the poinsettia serves as a decorative element everywhere from beautiful churches to the porches of homes. In order to keep its bright and cheery appearance, the poinsettia must be given proper care.
How often do you water a poinsettia? You should water your poinsettia whenever you feel the soil is dry or you see that some of the leaves are wilting. The key is to let the water drain out the bottom, and make sure that your poinsettia is not sitting in water. If the area you are keeping your poinsettia intends to be dry, you may find yourself watering it daily.
Because poinsettias are from Central America, they are used to a fair amount of sun. We recommend placing yours by a well-lit window, so that it can receive the proper amount of sunlight. East-facing windows are best so that they can catch the morning’s glow and bask in the afternoon’s shade. Make sure that no part of your plant touches the windowpane, as this may harm the poinsettia.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Sansevieria (Snake) Plant?
The Sansevieria aka Snake Plant aka Mother-in-Law's-Tongue features two-tone, green leaves that naturally clean the air. Amazingly easy to care for, hailing from Western Africa.
Allow soil to dry completely in between waterings. During summer months, water plant when top inch of soil is dry. Water at base of plant, avoiding leaves and center. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
Sansevierias perform well in any light, but best in bright indirect light. Can be kept outside, but should come indoors during winter months.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Spath Plant (Peace Lily)?
Ivory white blooms & glossy emerald green foliage. Super easy to care for & removes toxins from air!
These plants like the soil to be slightly moist, but not soggy. Avoid overwatering by watering no more than once a week. Chlorine can damage peace lilies. Use distilled water when possible. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
Peace lilies are the perfect indoor plant: they LOVE low light. Keep 5-8 ft from window for perfect lighting.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my Succulents?
Feature generally thick leaves designed to store water. Very popular & very low maintenance.
Water at base of plant once every two weeks or when soil feels dry. Do not use misters. Soak soil, but avoid over-watering. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil. If your container does not have drainage holes, water sparingly.
Keep near a bright window. Succulents love bright, indirect light, but direct too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!
How do I take care of my ZZ Plant?
Slow growing, longlasting green beauty hailing from Eastern Africa. VERY low- maintance, air-purifier!
Water when top three inches of soil is dry. Dip your finger in soil to test dampness. Avoid over- watering by watering no more than twice a month. Plant should be in well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
ZZ plants are the perfect indoor plant: they do well in high & low lighting. Keep 5-8ft from window.
Looking for more info? We recommend starting with Google. The internet is FULL of great care instructions and advice about most any plant!